In the end times, the love of many individuals will become cold, because sin will be everywhere. Guard your hearts and mind with scripture, the Spirit of God, and do not fear (Matthew 24:12, 2 Timothy 1:7).
It is impossible to hate people and love God 1 John 4:20
And who is your brother??? A warning to the hypocrite looking to justify themselves… Luke 10:29
God loved us before we loved Him 1 John 4:19
Love has become a “Royal Law” at the commandment of God our Savior. James 2:8, Galatians 5:14
Our enemies are commanded to receive love; and by freeing our hearts and mind, the righteous judgment of God is given place; Luke 6:27
If you have not the attributes of love, although living you are dead; 1 John 3:14
The mightiest act of love was when God being rich, came in the flesh poor, suffered long exercising ultimate patience, taking your crimes, guilty verdict, and just public execution upon himself, in your place… so that your may come near to God Himself, the Savior of sinners; Romans 5:8