Scripture Search


Scripture Search .info

scripture search.ino - search the scriptures

Think you are going to heaven, but never searched the scriptures?  You can not afford this treasure. Gain an inheritance, through adoption.  Know the giver of a perfect gift.  Have your conscience revealed; have your sin cleansed.  The Lord God Almighty has been revealed.  Escape the failed belief and false religions in your life.  To get into the church, you have to go through the Door; not attached to a building. Do you know HIM?

Proof of the living God, no man can tell the future… but the scriptures do. Evidence, truth, proof;  are you For or Against the truth, it’s evidence you can see.  The witnesses left a transcript,”It is written”, which contains eternal truth, whether you believe it or not.  Things predicted accurately in writing before-hand include earths geography, nations, events, weather patterns, biology, the thoughts and intentions of your heart; 100% accuracy over 100 times… 

The scriptures are NON-FICTION & 100% HISTORICALLY & GEOGRAPHICALLY ACCURATE. Still the worlds most distributed and best-selling literature, the scriptures are illegal in over 50 countries, some of which enforce the death penalty if the writings are found in your possession. The truth remains that the scriptures message is for all people; truth is not dictated or determined by belief, but rather rightly dividing what is already written. Add truth, faith, knowledge, virtue, peace, love, and eternal life to yourself, find the Living God on this side of eternity. Message – from brother in Christ,  Eric

Thank you for visiting, what are the chances you could predict the future over 100 x’s with 100% accuracy?  What are the chances you could predict how world history is going to unfold?  Did you know you can NOT find the address to a “church” in scripture?  Did you know the scripture instructs and tells YOU to study…?

INSPIRED BY GOD:  The witness and written testimony of 40 human authors, on 3 continents, in 3 languages, over 1,500 years, who made over 100 future predictions, with 100% accuracy, knew the unknowable, agreed with each other, and accurately recorded & kept the message, the same way the world does now, by putting it in writing.  Man’s conscience & actions have been predicted & recorded in writing, “it is written”, the inescapable fact of death, and then the appointed judgment is only but a breath away today.  Don’t believe it?  One day you’ll have a death certificate…

Start searching the scriptures, looking into prophecy, strengthen your belief, trust in Jesus, it starts by calling upon Him in truth…

Learn more about the scriptures, by learning what is written.  The best thing about the scriptures is that they require very little, if any, interpretation; but more importantly it is better to correctly divide the text into doctrine, and follow the New Testament instructions.  You would not be reading this without the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth actually happening, what is written predicted this would happen.

THANKS FOR VISITING.  Peace to all, especially those in Christ who believe the Truth. 

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